Monday, February 25, 2019

Telegram Channel kbeauty produk

Sesape yang Suka and pakai Produk  KBeAuty, boLeh Join channel telegram ni ⤵️⤵️ macam² ada. Yg pasti harga memang superb dan 💯% authentic dari korea.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Updated Asset Plan😂😂

AssalMualaikum Reader🍁

My plan for 3 years. My first asset.
Gaji: RM1100

ASB: RM500

Plan dia, Sya akan simpan RM500 every month selama 3 years. So, RM500 X 3 years = RM18,000. Kalau Sya bayar deposit kereta 10K, ada lagi balance 8K. Tuu pon kalau selama kerja 3 tahon gaji tak naik laa. Unless gaji naik, Sya still simpan RM500 jugak. Sebab Sya niat nak bayar PTPTN.

🐣🐣 bukan nak tunjuk baik or whatsoever, Sya cuma pikir, dulu Sya pinjam duit PT and its my responsibility to pay it. Walaopon gaji tak seberapa. Bayar jer sikit². Kan❓❓❓ atleast dapat laa tampung tabung PTPTN. nak harap tunggu gaji cecah 2K baru nak bayar 🤷🏻‍♀🤷🏻‍♀🤷🏻‍♀ then bayar plak Rm40 jer yg gaji 2K tuh... Hotak diaaa😏😏😏 atleast byr RM200 pon ok sbb korang gaji mahal.

Tadi baru jer lepas deposit RM20 untuk shopee bisness knowledge marketing sharing. Sya harap dengan join benda neh, bisness Sya makin meletop lah. Income pon bertambah. Cecah 4 angka pon dah banyak sgt tuu.. Boleh share dgn family☺ nak sangat belanja family. Biar family rasa duit kita.

Besar sangat ke angan-angan Sya??? Mampu ke Sya capai tu semua?? Doa kan Sya yer 😘😘😘 xoxo_

Monday, February 11, 2019

Future plan 1.0

Assalamualaikum Reader 😊

Right now, im going to tell you guys about my plan of life. Hu Hu Hu. Sya akan start my first job since graduate in 14feb 2019. Yup! Its valentine day. However, im not going speak or wrote about LOVE 🤮🤮

Since my starter salary is RM1100. And Sya ada Goal tuk dicapai lam masa 3 tahon. So, this is the details ⤵️⤵️
♥️ First Car "MYVI" ADVANCE
♥️ Build my business empire
♥️ Travels and Food Hunts
♥️ Married (27 y/o or above)

First plan nak ambik kereta after 2 years saving RM500 every month. Tapi bila pikir balik, better saving for 3 years and that time deposit pon dah cukup and yet i still got a few hundreds ringgit left in Bank💁🏻💁🏻 am I genius 🐙🐙🐙

Currently, Sya pon tengah simpan and cari side income in various businesa field. Likes ⤵️

🍫 chocolate langkawi
Chocolatea import dari luar negara and direct pos dari Langkawi.

💄 kbeauty produks
Produk kecantikan dari korea.💯% authentic

⌚ next plan in Future.
🍁 bukak my bookcafe
🍁 build business empire under family name (ESAAF ENTERPRISE)
🍁 bukak kedai ayam gunting and burger crispy depan rumah.

🐣 bookcafe ni angan² impian sejak dari sekolah menengah. Cantuman idea dari my sleeping partner kat asrama, Amirah. Since both of Us love to write and read novels. We decide nak bukak business ni together.

XOXO🐥🐥🐥 sekian untuk peek off my future plans and goals. May Allah ease my dreams.🐱 those plans are only to make my parents and family proud of me as the only daughter in the family. Im just trying my best to be the best daughter and appreciate my beloved one 😘😘😘😘

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Happy New Year 2K19 first story

Assalamualaikum semua,

Tahun baru lagi menjengah. Now, sya dah tak pegang tittle student. Yet, im still unemployed. InsyaAllah, 14hb feb 3019 Sya akan start kerja dekat kedai hardware as kerani kot or management. Sya tak sure apa nama jawatan tuh but i got this job sebab abah Sya berkawan rapat dengan tokey chinese nie. So tak yah formal isi borang, interview. I got the job.

Last a couple of days, Sya ada apply kerja goverment dengan kawan² Sya. Diorang dapat feedback email for interview session. Maybe bukan rezeki Sya untuk kerja goment😂😂😂 yet I still feel a bit of sorrow. Now, Sya trying to make my heart and brain accept the fate that i dont get the job. Sya hanya harap, dengan Sya terima kerja yang Abah dapatkan nie, masa depan Sya akan brights as sun and moon. Sya harap Sya dapat ilmu bisness and boleh bukak bisness sendiri untuk generasi family Sya.

As I just got my driving license last month. I soo eager to have my own mobile. As im not capable enough yet to afford the car, i might have to save for 2 years to save enought 10K for downpayment. Then i will got my first car, MYVi. I choose MYVi  just to make my parents proud. Sebab Sya tahu, sejak sekolah menengah sampai now, Sya tak mampu membanggakan umi dan Abah sepenuhnya.

Ya Allah, bantu aku untuk jadi anak yang membanggakan keluarga. Bantu aku agar di pertemukan jodoh yang mampu menjaga dan membawaku ke syurga firdausi😊😊 may Allah ease all my planning. Dengan plan nak berbisness. Harap semua berjalan lancar. Good Night😘