Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Depression tanpa Sedar

Assalamualaikum readers,
now, Sya nak story what happen to say for past Few Weeks.
last 2 weeks, university yg Sya belajar ad crisis air. kitorang tiada water supply yang cukup. nak minum air mineral pon susah. then, oneday MPP buat pembahagian air mineral percuma kepada students. Apa itu MPP, MPP tu macam satu badan berkuasa yg handle student priorities. But, that time Sya tak turun p ambik pon air free tu sebab sibok duk ngadap lappy😂. then tetiba whatsapp group course Sya bising pasal air percuma neh. diorang cakap tak worth it turun kejar-kejar sampai nak jatoh tangga apa bagai. then ada yang kutuk MPP. That time Sya bukan nak acah-acah Suci or anything else. then Sya just cakap "bersyukurlah, diorang bagi air tuk minum" pastu, a few friends start kata Sya nie sokong MPP lah ape.. then ada yg siap perli-perli. yg part perli yg paling Sya x boleh blah, sebab yg perli Sya tuh, orang yg dah lama Sya pendam rasa sakit hati. Then ape lagi, teros lah mengalir air mata "kesentapan". yup!! Sya know that being childish but I cannot help it. terlalu lama rasa sentap tu terpendam then malam tu, Finally dapat terluah...

Disebabkan Sya tak mampu nak Balas those text, one of my friend became furious after what they did. so dia balas lah... then start from that point, the cold war is began. or maybe start bila Sya cakap kat story whatsapp yg Sya tak boleh terima apa yang diorang buat. then terjadilah perbalahan status whatsapp.. a few words yg Sya ingat: 👇👇👇

"kau kan kain putih💁"
"tak payah acah suci"

then the next day, Sya whatsapp kawan yg Sya terlepas kata.. one of them cakap elok jaa. and another one balas text Sya with a very rude response. I'm very stock as I though of her as my bestfriend but her tongue show that I'm not her friend at all. maybe, she becomes friends with me only for some benefits. from that moments, Sya said "we're done as a friend". after that, Sya never talk to her or text her. dengan stress FYP belom settle, stress Sya makin bertambah.

tadi dalam lab PDM, sya tak duduk dengan diorang sebab sya memang tak boleh. Then sya tak tolong lar buat experiment sebab selalunya third year yang handle experiment group kitorang. but after experimend done, Sya bukak phone and see "INTAN SBL REMOVED YOU"😂😂😂😂😂 that time I don't know what should I feel. tapi Sya bersyukur sebab dia removed sya, Sya dah tak payah nak serabukkan otak nk pikir macam mana nk avoid diorang.

to ex-friend:
thanks for being a very nice fake friend yet I don't give a damn thing and fuck you!!
so, this will be the last day that i called you as my friend. what you done to me it too much and i cannot accept it. now, kau buat lah hidup kau macam mana pon, aku tak nak thau sikitttt pon.. kau nak mampos or meroyan or whatever.. silakan. im so DONE WITH YOU FUCKING SHIT ATTITUDES!!!